Hello all!
We had a great night on Tuesday August 15. The San Diego C++ meetup #53 took place.
Here is the recording
Here is a short summary of the topics and discussions we went through:
- Introducing the next month session – JFRog will introduce Conan 2.0. Chris McArthur will present it on September the 12th. Here is a link to the event on meetup.
- I introduced the new, 3rd edition of range-v3 booklet. You can find it here. This is by far one of the best and fun resource to use for learning range-v3. The material, content and quality is just premium. Run, don’t walk and purchase it. I love the printed edition. It’s a piece of art! In the meeting we went though the FizzBuzz example that can be found on walletfox website itself.
- Next, cppquiz #354 . std::exit() related.
- User Type categories – we discussed “Trivial and standard layout“, explaining the differences and why it is important to know about these categories.
- And finally, I presented a topic which I really like and close to my heart – properly writing multi-threading code. Well – there are many many things not mentioned in this 40 minute talk. But the goal was to bring some awareness on bad patterns or practices vs better, safer and maintainable patterns. We mentioned associating Mutex to its controller data, showed how Rust is doing it (in one slide), and eventually, went over POSA2 “Thread Safe Interface“.

Thank you for reading!
See you next time!