San Diego C++ Meetup – #61 Apr 16 2024

Hello all,

Yet another summary of our latest session of San Diego C++ Meetup. America’s finest city endorsing America’s favorite language 😉

The meetup page can be found here.

San Diego C++ Meetup #61 recording.

Agenda summary

  1. C++ quiz – Arrays and copies during range-for-loop.
  2. The right auto/auto* – When using auto, and the deduced type is pointer, should we use auto? or auto*. Spoiler – use auto*. But why? This items takes us through the reasoning behind it. Hint – it helps readability and correctness especially with const involved.
  3. Does a default virtual destructor prevent compiler-generated move operations? – Fascinating journey investigating the implication of user defined destructor and move operation, talking about Howard’s famous table. Then – what does it mean in base classes when =default is used for virtual destructor. And finally, what is the best way to understand whether a specific class type is move constructible. Hint – it’s not that easy and straightforward, but we introduced a neat trick.
  4. And finall In-Place Construction for std::any, std::variant and std::optional – this item was inspired by BartÅ‚omiej Filipek C++ Stories blog post.

That’s it for this session. Thank you for reading!


San Diego C++ Meetup #60 – March 12 2024

Hello everyone,

San Diego C++ Meetup – 5 Years! 60 meetings! took place Tuesday March 12th 2024.

Here is the link to the page.

Recently, I’m moving away from Windows+Teams.

Last session, we used Zoom utilizing Andreas Fertig’s account. Andreas was our guest speaker on Feb 2024.

For March, I tried using Google Meet but I missed the fact that I needed premium “GoogleOne” account and it was too late to add it. I have it now for next sessions. Hence the recording did not work.

No worries, after the meeting I spent ~20 minutes to record myself going over the agenda so we have it on record. Here is the recap:

San Diego C++ meetup session #60 – Recap post session recording

Our Agenda:

1. C++ Quiz
2. What is IILE/IIFE ? Deep dive to some of immediate invocation tricks.
3. Strongly typed syntax – How can we achieve a better, less error prone code? NamedType to the rescue!

More details:

C++Quiz – Question 126 was about Lookup rules. Question 29 was about invoking virtual functions in constructors and destructors (Don’t!), and finally Question 312 was about class/struct inheritance and access specifiers – “would this compile?”

The second part was about Immediately Invoked Lambda/Function Expression(IILE/IIFE). Few tricks, why is it useful, should we use std::invoke and benchmarks using Bartek’s cppstroies blog post.

And finally, we discussed C++ and strong types, user defined string literals and finalized with NamedTyped library example.

That’s if for the 60th session update, thank you for reading!


Exploring Polymorphism in C++ – San Diego C++ Meetup Feb 2024

Hello everyone,

We had a special guest speaker on Tuesday, Feb 20th 2024. Andreas Fertig!

This is not Andreas’ first appearance in our Meetup and I was super happy to host him again!

This session went over an interesting and extremely useful information – Runtime vs Compile time polymorphism.

The event page can be found here.

Recording, as usual can be found in the San Diego C++ Meetup Youtube channel.

Exploring Polymorphism in C++: Run-time vs. Compile-time by Andreas Fertig – San Diego C++ meetup

Presentation material can be found in our dropbox location (join the meetup to gain access).

Summary of the material discussed:

  1. Cost of runtime polymorphism.
  2. CRTP as an alternative, lower runtime cost alternative.
  3. Policy based design.
  4. Example of policy – std::unique_ptr and the deleter policy.
  5. std::sort and the sorting policy.
  6. Another example of the Policy based idiom, checked array boundaries with multiple types of handling errors – all with Policy design.

That’s it for this month!

Next time, it’d be our #60 session. Yes! 5 years of San Diego C++ Meetup. We have over 1650 members. We started off on March 2019, with around 70 members!

Thanks for reading,


San Diego C++ Meetup #58 – Modern C++ Design, chapter 2

Hello all,

Quick summary on a great Tuesday night on Jan 16 where we went over chapter 2 of Andrei’s A. book – Modern C++ design.

meetup-event link


San Diego C++ Meetup sdcppmu Youtube recording

Here is the overall summary of what we went over in this session:

  1. Compile time assertions
  2. Partial template specialization.
  3. Local classes.
  4. Map integral constants to types. Compile time dispatch based on numeric values. Boolean conditions.
  5. Type to type mapping. For overloading and function template partial specialization.
  6. Type selection, based on compile time boolean conditions.
  7. Detect convertibilities and inheritance at compile time.
  8. TypeInfo wrapper over type_info. Value semantic and ordering comparisons.
  9. NullType, EmptyType placeholders classes.
  10. The last part – “TypeTraits template to offer multiple general purpose traits to help us tailor the code to specific categories of types” – as I expected – we did not have time since we were already overtime (around 1hr and 10 mins) but feel free to go over the last 4-5 slides with the type_info and the overall type traits class.

Overall, in the past 2 sessions (Dec 2023, Jan 2024) we showed the power of Templates with the great help of Andrei’s book. As I mentioned, the book is unique and even after 20+ years, still ranked top IMO. The first 2 chapters are the basic building blocks, the pillars for a better understanding of Generic programming. Worth investing time and reading it.

Thank you!
