Hello all,

Quick summary on a great Tuesday night on Jan 16 where we went over chapter 2 of Andrei’s A. book – Modern C++ design.

meetup-event link


San Diego C++ Meetup sdcppmu Youtube recording

Here is the overall summary of what we went over in this session:

  1. Compile time assertions
  2. Partial template specialization.
  3. Local classes.
  4. Map integral constants to types. Compile time dispatch based on numeric values. Boolean conditions.
  5. Type to type mapping. For overloading and function template partial specialization.
  6. Type selection, based on compile time boolean conditions.
  7. Detect convertibilities and inheritance at compile time.
  8. TypeInfo wrapper over type_info. Value semantic and ordering comparisons.
  9. NullType, EmptyType placeholders classes.
  10. The last part – “TypeTraits template to offer multiple general purpose traits to help us tailor the code to specific categories of types” – as I expected – we did not have time since we were already overtime (around 1hr and 10 mins) but feel free to go over the last 4-5 slides with the type_info and the overall type traits class.

Overall, in the past 2 sessions (Dec 2023, Jan 2024) we showed the power of Templates with the great help of Andrei’s book. As I mentioned, the book is unique and even after 20+ years, still ranked top IMO. The first 2 chapters are the basic building blocks, the pillars for a better understanding of Generic programming. Worth investing time and reading it.

Thank you!


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