Hello everyone,

San Diego C++ Meetup – 5 Years! 60 meetings! took place Tuesday March 12th 2024.

Here is the link to the meetup.com page.

Recently, I’m moving away from Windows+Teams.

Last session, we used Zoom utilizing Andreas Fertig’s account. Andreas was our guest speaker on Feb 2024.

For March, I tried using Google Meet but I missed the fact that I needed premium “GoogleOne” account and it was too late to add it. I have it now for next sessions. Hence the recording did not work.

No worries, after the meeting I spent ~20 minutes to record myself going over the agenda so we have it on record. Here is the recap:

San Diego C++ meetup session #60 – Recap post session recording

Our Agenda:

1. C++ Quiz
2. What is IILE/IIFE ? Deep dive to some of immediate invocation tricks.
3. Strongly typed syntax – How can we achieve a better, less error prone code? NamedType to the rescue!

More details:

C++Quiz – Question 126 was about Lookup rules. Question 29 was about invoking virtual functions in constructors and destructors (Don’t!), and finally Question 312 was about class/struct inheritance and access specifiers – “would this compile?”

The second part was about Immediately Invoked Lambda/Function Expression(IILE/IIFE). Few tricks, why is it useful, should we use std::invoke and benchmarks using Bartek’s cppstroies blog post.

And finally, we discussed C++ and strong types, user defined string literals and finalized with NamedTyped library example.

That’s if for the 60th session update, thank you for reading!


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