Yet another apology on the delay in posting the summary of the latest San Diego C++ Meetup. Super busy at work.
It’s finally Friday night and I have some time to sit down and write the summary.
4 years. Total of 48 meeting. Missed just one session, March 2020 when COVID started. I was not ready yet for the whole virtual meeting thing and here we are today. 3 years later – all virtual.
The first year was in person, we were just building up the group in San Diego. XCOM-LABS were generous enough to provide the space, first in La Jolla UTC and then Miramar area – yeah, where you can find Top-Gun
For the past 3 years, Qualcomm is sponsoring (paying the meetup.com fees) this group, especially my VP, Charles B which is a big supporter.
For meeting #48, we had Amir Kirsh. This is not Amir’s first appearance in the group and we really like his talks.
You can find the meetup page here, the YouTube channel has many past recording including the latest one with Amir.
Talk abstracts:
C++ Incidental Explorations by Amir Kirsh
This talk will guide us through some interesting discussions of C++ using questions from StackOverflow for inspiration. With these questions as our starting point, we will try to learn C++, explore some of the corners of the language, get lost down a few rabbit holes, and become familiar with some topics usually reserved for “language lawyers”. We finish by exploring whether, and how, ChatGPT might help with writing C++ in the future.
Summary: This was a unique session. Exploring Stackoverflow C++ questions, discussing about various ways to analyze C++ questions, searching for unique questions and finally, we had a nice discussion on GPT, ChatGPT and how this can help us, especially in the context of programming and C++.
Among the many topics covered, we discussed Chrono library, auto as an optimization opportunity, overload resolution, const RValue – is it useful?, Iterator class, Reverse Iterator tricks, UB in accessing unwound stack address, — > “operator” , sorting, class owning a member of its own type and many more. All in just 90 minutes!
Amir’s Bio: Amir Kirsh is a Lecturer at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo and a Visiting Lecturer at Stony Brook University, as well as Developer Advocate at Incredibuild. Amir also serves as one of the organizers of the CoreCpp meetup group and CoreCpp conference in Tel-Aviv, as well as a member of the Israeli ISO C++ National Body.
Thank you Amir! and see you all next time!