Hello everyone! Our San Diego C++ meetup 50th anniversary was celebrated hosting Bryce Adelstein Lelbach – a very known persona in the C++ community and the chair of the Standard C++ Library Evolution group. Bryce gave a talk on C++ future, cutting edge features. Here is the list of the 3 items presented. Bryce believes […]
San Diego C++ Meetup Apr 11 2023 – #49
Summary of the last San Diego C++ Meetup – held on April 11 2023. This was our 49th meeting since inception on March 12 2019. Sorry again for the delay posting this summary. I had some technical issues uploading the recording last week and finally found some time to write the summary. Recording can be […]
San Diego C++ Meetup Mar 21 2023 – #48
Yet another apology on the delay in posting the summary of the latest San Diego C++ Meetup. Super busy at work. It’s finally Friday night and I have some time to sit down and write the summary. 4 years. Total of 48 meeting. Missed just one session, March 2020 when COVID started. I was not […]
Token Bucket: or how to throttle
For a while now I was wondering how one could throttle network traffic, disk reads/writes etc. Google search quickly brought me to the Token Bucket Algorithm as well as few C++ implementations here and here. I was a bit puzzled at first by how the algorithm works when looking at the code; the two implementations […]
San Diego C++ Meetup Feb 15 2023 – #47
Apologize about the delay in posting this. Here are the minutes from the last San Diego C++ Meetup, held on Wed Feb 15 2023 5PM Pacific time. Thank you everyone for joining! The meetup was recorded and uploaded to sdcppmu YouTube channel here: So what did we have in this meeting? First – I presented […]
San Diego C++ Meetup Jan 17 2023 – Coroutines
Hello everyone! On Tuesday, Jan 17 2023 we hosted the 46th session of San Diego C++ Meetup. This time, I gave a talk on C++20 Coroutines which I named “YACRT – Yet Another Coroutine Talk”. There are many good talks out there and I decided to have another one for the San Diego C++ group. […]
San Diego C++ Meetup Hosting Amir Kirs – To Move Or Not To Move!
Hello everyone! Tonight (Dec 6 2022) we hosted Amir Kirsh from Incredibuild. Amir went over the various use cases of using std::move, also highlighting std::forward usage, various pitfalls and he provided us with good set of guidelines on when to use and not to use std::move. Highly recommended! Here is the recording (can be found […]
San Diego C++ Meetup – #44 – RxCpp and Boost.Asio
Today, Monday, November 14, we had our #44 San Diego C++ Meetup. Unfortunately, there seem to have some issues in the posted link on meetup and many could not attend. Giant apology on this one. Not sure what happened and how but would pay extra attention next time (Dec 2022 here I come …). Tonight, […]
San Diego C++ Meetup – October 17 2022
Hello everyone, Yet another great evening meeting others and discussing C++. Agenda can be found in the even link here: sdcppmu-event Recording, in the Youtube channel at sdcppmu: Great discussion points on const vs non const function – how to avoid duplication of code. How “deducing this” makes the syntax shorter. Martin shared the following: […]
San Diego C++ Meetup #42 – September 22 2022
Yet another fun night in San Diego C++ Meetup (sdcppmu). Recording can be found in our sdcppmu Youtube channel. Here is the agenda link: https://www.meetup.com/san-diego-cpp/events/288596469/ We had quiz, C++ book which is https://www.amazon.com/Template-Metaprogramming-everything-templates-metaprogramming/dp/1803243457 We also discussed life time extension in the context of C++11 range for loop. One thing that we discovered during the meeting […]
inline – not what it used to be
UPDATE:Thank you Peter Sommerlad for pointing out that the non-violation of ODR was and remains the primary purpose of inline, not the optimization hint. I’m updating the post to reflect this. Today I want to talk about the C++ keyword inline; what it used to mean prior to C++17 and what it means today. Let’s […]
Modern C++ Coding Standard by Marcus Tomlinson – book review
I have this habit of buying books. Like tons of books. Ask my wife, she’ll tell you. I think at that point she gave up. I like to read what others think about the industry, about a specific domain. How do people see programming (especially C++) and technology from their own perspective. So sometimes, I […]
San Diego C++ Meetup #41
Super fun evening in San Diego, America’s finest city with the finest programming language (C++, if you had any doubts). We learned tons of stuff and we are ready to Rock’n Roll using C++ at work and … home! What did we discuss tonight?1. Goals we would like to achieve in San Diego C++ Meetup. […]
San Diego C++ Meetup #40
Yet another fun evening in San Diego, America’s finest city with the finest programming language. We discussed: Welcome slides – goals we would like to achieve in San Diego C++ Meetup C++ Quiz – few fun questions Going over C++ Stackoverflow posts unique_ptr, shared_ptr and std::initializer_list<>
San Diego C++ Meetup #39 Featuring Nick Ristuccia from JFrog and the Conan team!
From the Command Line, to Make, to CMake, to Conan By Nick Ristuccia from JFrog! This session examines the layers of tooling used to produce C/C++ applications and make developers’ lives easier. Surveys say a major pain point facing C/C++ developers is long build times. One way to save time is to only re-build an […]
San Diego C++ Meetup #38 Featuring Amir Kirsh from Incredibuild
Meetup session May 24 20212 Six ways for implementing max: a walk through API design, dangling references and C++20 constraints Abstract:API design in C++ is harder than in other languages, as the lifetime of the arguments and return value shall be considered carefully. While it gives programmers the full power in expressing their intent, it […]
Visitor Pattern and Multiple-Dispatch Explained
Brief bookclub talk I gave at work introducing the visitor design pattern and multiple-dispatch in C++.Chapter 18 from Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ by Fedor G. Pikus. Source code:visitor.cpp
Adapter Pattern Explained
Brief bookclub talk I gave at work introducing the adapter design pattern in C++.Chapter 17 from Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ by Fedor G. Pikus. Source code:adapter.cpp
Decorator Pattern Explained
Brief bookclub talk I gave at work introducing the decorator design pattern in C++.Chapter 17 from Hands-On Design Patterns with C++ by Fedor G. Pikus. Source code:decorator.cpp
My Best C++11, 14 and 17 Features
From the 37th San Diego C++ Meetup: Recently I was hosted twice in cppcast podcast with Rob and Jason. I mentioned how using C++17 makes it easy to develop Modern C++ code. I will go over various features that are proven to work well. We built a software with no memory issues, no UBs etc… […]