There are two useful #pragma directives I like to use in my code: one let’s the preprocessor know that you want to include a header fine only once, and another deals with structure packing. Instead of using the header include guards, which are ugly as sin, use #pragma once at the beginning of your header files, […]
Exception safe assignment
Longer title: exception safe assignment operator of resource owning objects. Uff. Because the object owns a resource, how do we write an exception safe assignment operator which will have to free up the old and allocate the new resource. By exception safe I don’t mean that it will never throw, that’s not possible. Instead, I […]
Hashing the C++ way
Modern C++ brought us std::hash template (read more about it here). In short: it’s a stateless function object that implements operator() which takes an instance of a type as parameter and returns its hash as size_t. It has specializations for all primitive types as well as some library types. You can also specialize it yourself […]
Data alignment the C++ way
Before modern C++ the only way to align variables or structures on a given byte boundary was to inject padding; to align a struct to 16 bytes you had to do this:
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struct Old { int x; char padding[16 - sizeof(int)]; }; |
Not any more! Modern C++ introduced a keyword just for that: alignas (read more about it here). Now you can specify struct’s […]
Simple file I/O
I was playing around with file I/O the C++ way and decided to create a file hashing program using ifstream and Botan crypto library. The program reads an entire file specified as the command line argument and takes the SHA1 hash of the content. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with well designed frameworks in […]
Better bloom filter
Based on this implementation it supports multiple hashes for better positive hit ratio. Can be initializes with size in bits and number of hashes to perform, like this: bloom_filter bloom(128, 5);As always, complete implementation on GitHub: bloom.hpp.
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#pragma once #include <vector> #include <random> #include <functional> #include <cstddef> #include <cassert> namespace { template<typename Key, typename Hash = std::hash<Key>> class mixer { public: mixer(std::size_t size, const Key& key) : m_size(size), m_random(Hash{}(key)) { assert(size > 0); } std::size_t operator()() { return m_random() % m_size; } private: std::size_t m_size; std::mt19937 m_random; }; } template <typename Key, typename Hash = std::hash<Key>> class bloom_filter { public: bloom_filter(std::size_t size, std::size_t hashes) : m_size(size), m_hashes(hashes), m_bits(size) { assert(size > 0); assert(hashes > 0); } void add(const Key& key) { mixer<Key, Hash> m(m_size, key); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_hashes; ++i) m_bits[m()] = true; } bool contains(const Key& key) const { mixer<Key, Hash> m(m_size, key); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < m_hashes; ++i) if(!m_bits[m()]) return false; return true; } private: std::size_t m_size; std::size_t m_hashes; std::vector<bool> m_bits; }; |
Bloom Filters
From Wikipedia: A Bloom filter is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure, conceived by Burton Howard Bloom in 1970, that is used to test whether an element is a member of a set. In other words, given a set of elements, bloom filter can tell you that: A) given element is definitely not in the set, or B) given element is maybe in the set. […]
C++ Attributes
C++11 introduced standard attributes: a way to mark fragments of code with useful information for the developer or optimization information for the compiler. See a complete list of standard attributes here, Clang attributes here, and Microsoft attributes here. I will go over a few of them in this post. [[nodiscard]] – when specified with a […]
Initialization list exceptions and raw pointers
What to do when an exception is thrown on the initialization list when allocating memory for a raw pointer? The situation is easy if your class only has one raw pointer member, but it gets complicated with two or more. Here’s a code example that’s guaranteed to leak memory if the second new int throws an […]
Function try-catch blocks
Syntactic sugar or a useful feature? More than just sweet sweet sugar baby! This little known feature is a nice way of wrapping an entire function in a try catch block. So instead of writing this:
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void eat_it() { try { throw runtime_error("System error from eat_it()"); } catch(exception& e) { cout << "Swallowing: " << e.what() << endl; } } |
You can write this:
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void eat_it_sugar() try { throw runtime_error("System error from eat_it_sugar()"); } catch(exception& e) { cout << "Swallowing: " << e.what() << endl; } |
The meaning of the two functions is identical. Notice here I’m swallowing the […]
The #1 rule of cryptography
The #1 rule of cryptography: Don’t invent your own! OK wiseman, now what? You want to add crypto to your program but you don’t want to code it all yourself. I’ll show you three libraries that make it possible. The choice will be yours as to which one to use. For this example I wanted […]
I found this cool little text formatting library with very clean interface and wanted to share it with you. I decided the best way to introduce it to you is not through an extensive tutorial but rather code which illustrates how to use it; so I wrote a program which does the same thing in […]
SSO of std::string
What is short/small string optimization? It’s a way to squeeze some bytes into a std::string object without actually allocating them on the heap. It’s a hackery involving C++ unions and clever space management. Say sizeof(std::string) is, oh I don’t know, 24 bytes on Mac’s LLVM? The implementation manages to squeeze 22 characters into that (not […]
HTTP queries
Today I want to show you how to use cURLpp (C++ wrapper around libcURL) to make a simple HTTP query to in order to retrieve geolocation information of a given host or IP address. I chose cURLpp because it’s simple and easy to use; the example program would not have been any harder using […]
C-style callbacks and lambda functions
You can use a non-capturing lambda function with C-style APIs that expect a function pointer. As long as the signatures of the callback and the lambda match, the lambda will be cast to a function pointer (or you could define a “positive lambda”, one with a + in front of it; this causes automatic conversion […]
Propagate exceptions across threads
What if you need to catch an exception in a worker thread and re-throw it in the main thread that’s waiting for the worker to finish? std::future works this way. If you spawn a future on a new thread using std::async(std::launch::async, ...); and that future’s worker throws an exception, when you later call get() on the […]
int main()
I have been spanked by certain commenter (who shall not remain anonymous 😉 ) on here and FB about my style of naming unused main arguments and unnecessary return 1; at the end of every main function. I have though about and I… concede the point of his argument 🙂 From now on the style on […]
XML-RPC is yet another method of implementing remote procedure calls. It used XML over HTTP to transmit data. In my past live working at TLO I used XML-RPC-C library to implement communication between cluster nodes and a cluster management system. I thought the library was well designed and easy to use so I wanted to […]
Base64 encoding
Base64 encoding: turning binary data into ASCII text for the purpose of saving it to text files like XML, or transmitting it over protocols like HTTP, or embedding it into web page files, and many other purposed. That’s the basic idea behind it. For every 3 bytes of input you get 4 bytes of output, […]
Extremely Fast Compression Algorithm
LZ4. GitHub repository here. It is open-source, available on pretty much every platform, and widely used in the industry. It was extremely easy to get started with it. The C API could not possibly be any simpler (I’m looking at you zlib 😛 ); you pass in 4 parameters to the compression and decompression functions: […]