I know the topic of RAII has been blogged about plenty of times before. Still, I want to present to you my take on it 🙂 Recently I created a policy-based generic RAII template for holding various types of resources (pointers, file handles, mutexes, etc). The nice thing about my implementation is that in order to acquire and release a new type of a resource you only have to define simple Acquire and Release policy template classes and plug them as parameters to the RAII template. Here’s how you can use it with std::mutex:

In the code above we declare 2 policy classes: LockPolicy which calls .lock(); on type T, and UnlockPolicy which calls .unlock(); on type T. Next we declare scope_lock to be a template which will hold type T by reference and apply LockPolicy::Execute(T t); and UnlockPolicy::Execute(T t); in the constructor and destructor of RAII. This way we can use scope_lock with any object that has .lock(); and .unlock(); methods.

As an exercise in writing policy classes let’s use RAII template to hold and automatically delete or delete[] pointers and pointers to arrays:

First we need a policy that does nothing; let’s call it NoOpPolicy. That is because nothing needs to happen to a pointer in the constructor of RAII; it’s already allocated. Next we declare two policies: PointerReleasePolicy which calls delete on type T, and ArrayReleasePolicy which calls delete[] on type T. Finally we define ptr_handle_t to be a RAII template which holds a pointer to T, applies NoOpPolicy::Execute(T t); in its constructor and PointerReleasePolicy::Execute(T t); in its destructor. We do the same for arr_ptr_handle_t except using ArrayReleasePolicy.

Complete listing:

7 Replies to “RAII”

  1. I am trying to use the ptr_handle_t pMyClass = new MyClass, but am unable to dereference the pMyClass to get to member functions or data. pMyClass->xxx gives
    error C2819: type ‘RAII’ does not have an overloaded member ‘operator ->’

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