Given a set of integer ranges defined as [LO, HI) and a value P, find which range P falls into.

My approach to this programming puzzle was to first define a range as a struct that can be sorted (thanks to operator <), then perform binary search on a vector of sorted ranges. The code is pretty self explanatory 🙂

Example input and output:

LO: 0, HI: 10
LO: 10, HI: 20
LO: 20, HI: 30
LO: 30, HI: 40
LO: 40, HI: 50
LO: 50, HI: 60
LO: 60, HI: 70
LO: 70, HI: 80
LO: 80, HI: 90
LO: 90, HI: 100
P = 15 falls in range LO: 10, HI: 20
P = 16 falls in range LO: 10, HI: 20
P = 4 falls in range LO: 0, HI: 10
P = 73 falls in range LO: 70, HI: 80
P = 25 falls in range LO: 20, HI: 30
P = 28 falls in range LO: 20, HI: 30
P = 19 falls in range LO: 10, HI: 20
P = 60 falls in range LO: 60, HI: 70
P = 83 falls in range LO: 80, HI: 90
P = 76 falls in range LO: 70, HI: 80
Program ended with exit code: 1

The answer:

One Reply to “Interview question, part 6”

  1. Can’t you do something simpler by using std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> for ranges, sort them, then use std::lower_bound() to search for make_pair(val, val)?

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