The following program, despite looking correct, is a race condition and has unpredictable behaviour:

The proof is in the output of running this code several times:

sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 0, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 0
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 0, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 0, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127

The race condition and the problem here is that the C++ standard states that adjacent bit fields are a single object in memory and may be packed to share the same byte. The CPU cannot operate on single bits, it must load at least 1 byte at a time, and because of the overlap, loading bits of a also loads the bits of b. So the write to bit field a, even though protected with its own mutex, also overwrites the value of b. And vice versa.

The fix is to use one mutex to protect all adjacent bit fields. I say all because you have no guarantee that the CPU will be able to load 1 byte at a time. It may be limited to working on 32-bit values at a time; depending on the architecture.

Corrected program:

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