Advanced thread pool

Below is my implementation of the thread pool described in this talk and a benchmark comparing it against my simple thread pool implementation. The advanced pool is 15x faster at scheduling and dispatching short random length work items on my 2018 MacBook Pro with i5 CPU and 4 logical cores. It uses a queue per worker thread and a work stealing dispatcher. It tries to enqueue the work items onto a queue that is not currently locked by a dispatch thread. It also tries to steal work from other unblocked queues. As always the complete implementation is available at GitHub.

Benchmark program:

* Apple CLANG -Ofast -march=native -std=c++17 -lc++

simple_thread_pool duration = 30.337 s
thread_pool duration = 1.625 s

* LLVM -Ofast -march=native -std=c++17 -lc++

simple_thread_pool duration = 25.785 s
thread_pool duration = 1.615 s

* G++ -Ofast -march=native -std=c++17 -lstdc++ *

simple_thread_pool duration = 26.28 s
thread_pool duration = 1.614 s

Program output.

thread_pool class:

Better timer class

It bothered me that my previous simple timer implementation fired off a new thread for each timeout and interval. I knew things could be done better, but didn’t yet know how. Well this morning inspiration came and I implemented new and shiny timer class. The interface is simple: you create a timer with 1 parameter, its “tick”. The tick determines how frequently the internal thread wakes up and looks for work. Work can be a repeating interval event, or a one time timeout event. Each time you register an interval or a timeout you get back a pointer to an event object. Using this event object you can cancel the interval or the timeout, if it hasn’t fired already. The internal thread lives for as long as the timer object does. It also self-corrects any time drift caused by the firing of events and execution delay. Complete implementation can be found at GitHub.

Here’s how you use it:

elapsed 1s : interval 1s
elapsed 2s : interval 1s
elapsed 2s : interval 2s
elapsed 3s : timeout 3s
elapsed 3s : interval 1s
elapsed 4s : interval 1s
elapsed 4s : timeout 4s
elapsed 4s : interval 2s
elapsed 5s : interval 1s
cancel interval 2
elapsed 6s : interval 1s
elapsed 7s : interval 1s
elapsed 8s : interval 1s
elapsed 9s : interval 1s
elapsed 10s : interval 1s

Program output.

The timer class:

Random number generator

Examples based on this talk.

Below is the old and rusty way of generating random numbers. Don’t do it!

Below is the new and shiny way of generating random numbers. Do that instead! Comments inline and a benchmark of each random number generator included. Program output first:

random_device min = 0, max = 4294967295
mt19937 min = 0, max = 4294967295
mt19937_64 min = 0, max = 18446744073709551615
10 -1 6 10 5 -4 -3 2 6 -3 
8.73366 3.81724 2.11837 4.14365 9.58442 
vector of ints: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
shuffled to   : 3 1 6 7 9 4 8 5 0 2 

generating 100000000 random numbers…
random_device duration in ms = 142080
mt19937 duration in ms = 553.894
uniform_int_distribution duration in ms = 2719.63
uniform_real_distribution duration in ms = 1070.29

Program output.

Complete listing:


Time to generate 100,000,000 random numbers on 2012 MacBook Pro i7 2.3GHz. On a logarithmic scale, where RD = std::random_device, MT = std::mt19937, UD = std::uniform_int_distribution, and UD-R = std::uniform_real_distribution.
Graph created using gnuplot.

Relaxed atomics and data races

The following code is a race condition:

Because memory_order_relaxed is used the compiler and the CPU are free to reorder the two writes in thread t1. They are also free to reorder the two reads in thread t2. Hence undefined behavior.

The fix is to either use memory_order_seq_cst on the store and load calls, or memory_order_release on the store call and memory_order_acquire on the load call. Release prevents any prior loads and stores to be reordered past it; acquire guarantees that all stores from the thread that released the atomic variable are visible to the current thread; it also prevents reads and writes to be reordered before it. See here.

Bit fields and race conditions

The following program, despite looking correct, is a race condition and has unpredictable behaviour:

The proof is in the output of running this code several times:

sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 0, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 0
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 0, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 0, 127
sizeof(S) = 2, 511, 127

The race condition and the problem here is that the C++ standard states that adjacent bit fields are a single object in memory and may be packed to share the same byte. The CPU cannot operate on single bits, it must load at least 1 byte at a time, and because of the overlap, loading bits of a also loads the bits of b. So the write to bit field a, even though protected with its own mutex, also overwrites the value of b. And vice versa.

The fix is to use one mutex to protect all adjacent bit fields. I say all because you have no guarantee that the CPU will be able to load 1 byte at a time. It may be limited to working on 32-bit values at a time; depending on the architecture.

Corrected program:

Dekker’s algorithm for N threads

In the previous post I described Dekker’s algorithm. Its limitation is that it only works for 2 threads. I wanted it to work for N threads, but I can’t atomically check N-1 flags belonging to other threads 🙁 now what?

Instead of multiple flags we’ll use one atomic variable’s bits to indicate which thread wants entry into the critical section. So, if first bit is set that means first thread declares its intent to enter. And so on for N threads.

Complete listing:

Dekker’s algorithm

Dekker’s algorithm is a way of synchronizing two threads around a critical section. It is a dance where thread 1 sets its flag declaring its intent to enter the critical section, then it checks the flag of thread 2. If it is not set, it enters the critical section, if it is set, it resets its flag and backs off. Thread 2 does the same.

Below is my implementation of the algorithm using C++ atomics.

T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
T1 in critical section
T2 in critical section
Program ended with exit code: 1

Program output.

Memory barriers and thread synchronization

We will jump straight to the code. This innocent looking little program has a major issue (when compiled for release build with optimizations on my Mac using GCC, Apple’s CLANG, and LLVM, as well as on Windows using Visual Studio 2017, and ran on a multicore machine). Can you spot the problem?

That’s right! It will never terminate! It will hang forever! The while loop in line 18 will never break. But why? Thread t1 sets flag to true after all. Yes, but it does so too late (notice the 100ms sleep). At that point thread t2 has already L1 cached flag and will never see its updated value. If you think that making flag volatile will help you’re wrong. It may work on your compiler/machine but it is no guarantee. Now what?

This was one of the hardest lessons in C++ and computer science for me. Before continuing to the fix section I highly recommend you read about the following: memory barriers, C++ memory model as well as C++ Memory Model at Modernest C++, and memory ordering. I’ll see you in a couple of days 😉

The fix.

The simplest fix is to wrap access to flag around a mutex lock/ unlock or make flag an atomic<bool>;(both of those solutions will insert appropriate memory barriers). But that’s not always an option for other data types…

We need to make sure that t2 can see the actions of t1 that happened later in time. For this we need to force cache synchronization between different CPU cores. We can do it in three ways:
1) By inserting memory barriers in the right places.
2) By inserting loads and stores of an atomic variable using release/acquire semantics.
3) By inserting loads and stores of a dependent atomic variable using release/consume semantics.

Below is the corrected version of our example; uncomment each #define to engage different fixes:

Atomic blocking queue

As I learn about atomics and memory model I decided to take a stab at rewriting my blocking queue using atomic operations and eliminate the mutex around the critical section of code responsible for pushing and popping elements, effectively creating a fast path through the queue if no blocking is taking place.

Let’s jump straight into the code:

Lines 1-4 are basically a template concept which specifies that this method will only be present if the type is no-throw copy constructible.
Line 7 is the same semaphore decrement and possible blocking if the queue is full. The fast path of this semaphore implementation uses only atomic operations, so if it doesn’t block it will not engage a mutex ( fast_semaphore code available on GitHub).
Line 9 is where the magic starts. We atomically increment the m_pushIndex while fetching its previous value into a temporary pushIndex. From now on we work with the temporary.
Line 10 is where we insert the element by copy constructing it in the right open slot.
Line 11 is book-keeping needed during the destruction of the queue.
Line 13-15 is where we have to modulo the m_pushIndex with m_size, so it never overflows. It check, in a loop, if it has changed, if it has it loads it back into expected and checks again until it hasn’t changed in which case it atomically swaps m_pushIndex with m_pushIndex % m_size.
Line 17 signals to other blocked threads, if there are any, that the queue now has an element available for popping.

Other methods of the queue work in a very similar way so I will not be describing them in detail here. The only crux of this implementation is that it only works for no-throw copyable and movable types; so declare your constructors and assignment operators with noexcept if you want to use them with this queue 🙂

Complete listing:

Synchronizing with atomics

I’ve been reading and learning about the C++ memory model and relaxed atomics and decided to rewrite my Interview question, part 1 using atomic<bool>’s to synchronize the threads. I took it one step further and created three threads that print A, B, C, A, B, C,…
Each thread waits for its atomic<bool> to be set to true while spinning; prints then sets the next thread’s flag. The wait is a CAS (compare-and-swap) operation.
Next, I will try to figure out how to relax the compare_exchange and the store calls with memory_order_acquire and memory_order_release parameters 🙂

Complete listing:

Program ended with exit code: 1

Program output.

Fun with unordered containers

I’ve been playing around with unordered_map and unordered_set to see how they grow when elements are inserted. Here’s what I learned so far: the default load factor is 1; this means the container will grow to accommodate at most 1 element per bucket. You can change the load factor with max_load_factor call followed by rehash call. I also wanted to see how different STL implementations behave, so I tested with GCC, Apple’s CLAND, and LLVM on my Mac. The test program creates an unordered_map and unordered_set. Loads it with 10'000'000 entries and prints out the container’s properties. I then clear the container and do the same test but reserve space for the entries. I print the container’s properties: size, bucket count, and load factor. Next I change the max_load_factor to 10 (allowing for up to 10 entries per bucket) and rehash with maximum 1/10th the bucket count.
The GCC implementation is more aggressive in terms of container growth; it creates more buckets than Apple’s CLANG and LLVM’s implementation which had identical results.

The takeaway here is that when using unordered containers it is good to either reserve the appropriate element count, or rehash after inserting the elements to reduce the bucket count and optimize memory use.

* GCC -Ofast -march=native -lstdc++ *
size = 10000000
bucket count = 15345007
load factor = 0.651678

size = 10000000
bucket count = 10352717
load factor = 0.96593

size = 10000000
bucket count = 1056323
load factor = 9.4668

size = 10000000
bucket count = 15345007
load factor = 0.651678

size = 10000000
bucket count = 10352717
load factor = 0.96593

size = 10000000
bucket count = 1056323
load factor = 9.4668

* Apple CLANG -Ofast -march=native -lc++ *
size = 10000000
bucket count = 13169977
load factor = 0.759303

size = 10000000
bucket count = 10000019
load factor = 0.999998

size = 10000000
bucket count = 1000003
load factor = 9.99997

size = 10000000
bucket count = 13169977
load factor = 0.759303

size = 10000000
bucket count = 10000019
load factor = 0.999998

size = 10000000
bucket count = 1000003
load factor = 9.99997

Program output.

Complete listing:


Short introduction to parameter packs and fold expressions

Docendo discimus.

Seneca the Younger.

I’m new to this topic since I literally just learned about the fold expressions today, and parameter packs days before that, so it will be a short post where I’ll explain the basics 🙂

Let’s jump straight to the code:

Line 1 tells us there will be zero or more parameters.
Line 2 declares a function with said variable number of parameters.
Line 4 is where the magic happens. The fold expression states that for every parameter in the args parameter pack, combine it with the next one using operator+. So it becomes args0 + args1 + ... + argsN.

Another example:

Here in line 4 the fold expression takes the form of “(init op … op pack)” as described by syntax #4 here. It expands to cout << args0 << args1 << ... << argsN.

Another way of doing the same is:

Here the cout << args << " " is expanded N times, separated by the comma operator, so it’s less efficient but we get a space between each printed argument.

That’s it for now 🙂 I’ll post more as I learn more!

Complete listing:

Pure virtual destructor

Did you know that a destructor can be pure virtual? It can be defined as such, but it still needs a body declaration. It is a way of making a class abstract (instances of it cannot be created) without having to make any pure virtual methods. So use it if you have a base class that you don’t want users to instantiate but you have no other candidates for pure virtual specifier 🙂

Additional discussion of this topic at Geeks for Geeks: Pure virtual destructor in C++.

Complete listing:

Read/write mutex

Designed and implemented by Chris M. Thomasson. Complete implementation can be found on GitHub.


Templates in STL containers

Storing template classes in STL containers is tricky 🙂 If v is a std::vector and TC is a template class, how can we do the following:

The trick is two-fold: 1) we need a non-template base class (let’s call it NTB) and 2) we need to store pointers to the non-template base class in the STL container. Like this:

Complete listing:

Multiple return values

C++17 gives us an elegant way to return multiple values from a function using structured binding.

Here’s how we can declare a function that returns 3 values:

This function takes one argument of type T, and returns a tuple<T, T, T> of 3 values.

In order to get the return values in C++11 we would have to write the following:

tuple<int, int, int> t = ReturnThree(9);

But with C++17 and structured binding syntax we can write:

auto [t1, t2, t3] = ReturnThree(9);

Much cleaner code this way 🙂

Complete listing: