Hello all,

This post is about the latest San Diego C++ Meetup session, held on Tuesday, November 14 2023. It was a virtual meeting, recorded and uploaded to the sdcppmu Youtube channel. Here is the recording:

San Diego C++ Meetup #56 hosting Šimon Tóth – “Patterns of interview solutions”

Here is a link to the event on meetup.com

This time, we hosted Šimon Tóth who gave a wonderful talk named “Patterns of interview solutions”.

A bit on Šimon:

He can be found on the following Social media: linkedinhachyderm.iosubstackmedium and github.com .

Books on leanpub.com:

Summary of the content presented

The talk is divided to 2 parts. First part presented the available algorithms in C++. Including some from the ranges library. Total of 126 algorithms were bunched into categories and Šimon quickly went over the benefits of each category with some examples.

The second part presented couple interview-like questions and their respective Modern C++ solutions:

  1. Sum of distances to all nodes – Šimon demonstrated solving a problem while looking at it from different persoective.
  2. Longest palindromic substring – showing few ways to improve your algorithms using different methods.

In all of the above, Šimon is using ranges, algorithms and Modern C++ syntax and mechanism.

Hope you enjoy the recording!

Take care,


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