Hello all,
Short summary on the previous San Diego C++ meetup, the last one for 2023.
It took place on December 12th 2023.
The topic for the meetup was Class Template Policy based design. All based on the first chapter of Andrei’s Modern C++ Design book from 2001.

Here is a link to the meetup event.
Recording on our sdcppmu channel here:
The talk goes over the first chapter of Andrei’s book highlighting the huge advantage of using this technique in your code. And in particular, it described the following items:
- Templates, specialization of Class Templates, functions, what is template-template parameters.
- Examples of how Policy design can improve readability, flexibility of your design.
- Static vs Dynamic dispatch/polymorphism.
- How to mix different, orthogonal policies
- How to mix policies with some dependencies (though this is not a recommended approach).
- Enrichment APIs and how Templates do not instantiate functions unless being used.
- Customizing structure with Policy Classes.
- Examples of Policy classes in the wild. ACE library, Standard library.
Next month will discuss chapter 2 that describes more of the important Template techniques.
That’s if for now.
Have a great holidays, hoping for a better 2024!