Interview question, part 1

When interviewing for a job in the past, I was asked the following question:

Write a multithreaded program that prints a sequence of characters like this: A, B, A, B, A, B… Synchronize properly so it never prints the same character more than once in a row.

Blocking queue

Where produce-consumer pattern is present it is often the case that one is faster that the other: a parsing producer reads records faster than a processing consumer; a disk reading producer is faster than network sending consumer.Producer and consumer often communicate by queues: the producer will put items on a queue while the consumer will pop items off a queue. What happens when the queue becomes full, or empty?


I know the topic of RAII has been blogged about plenty of times before. Still, I want to present to you my take on it 🙂 Recently I created a policy-based generic RAII template for holding various types of resources (pointers, file handles, mutexes, etc). The nice thing about

enum to string, take 2

Thanks to Sebastian Mestre (who commented on my previous post) I learned something new today 🙂 The X macro makes the enum to string code much… well, perhaps not cleaner, but shorter 😉 It also solves the problem of having to update the code in 2 places: 1st in the enum itself, 2nd in the enum to string map.Without further ado I present to you the X macro: